lördag 29 mars 2014

An outfit and a recipe

Since the blog is called Grammy Fashion I guess we have to live up to the name. So therefore I will be posting a recipe on chocolate cake with an outfit picture. I used the recipe just yesterday and I really love it! It is a swedish recipe that has its own cook books and is called kladdkaka.

2 eggs
3 dl sugar
1 1/2 dl flour
1 tsp vanilla sugar
1 pinch of salt
100 g butter (melted)
3-4 tbs cocoa

1) set the oven to 200°C
2) Mix all the ingredients except the eggs which you save for last!
3) Put the batter in a buttered form and put it in the oven for 1/2 hour.

And then you´re done,

Remember that the cake isn´t supposed to be spongy it is supposed to be "chewy".

Of course no post is complete without an outfit and a quote for the day, so here we go.

I got the blouse at H&M a few years back and the skirt is vintage. I really love this skirt as it gives you a very "posh" feeling and it is not to warm nor to cold in the spring.

The Quote today is from my math classroom I saw it on a poster there and thought that it was brilliant.

"A great deal of people think that they are thinking,
 when they are merley rearranging their prejudices."
-William James
If you want an explanation of the quote I advice that you pay a visit to Philosiblog who are able to explain what mr. James meant.